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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2020

Cause of Nose Polyp Formation - How to treat nose polyps naturally ?

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The present study confirmed  that  epithelial damage is a characteristic of nose polyps. The grade of epithelial damage was  determined and compared between patients with asthma vs.non-asthmatics and patients with allergy vs. non-allergics. Damage to the columnar cells was more extensive in allergic patients. The relative length of columnar cell desmosomes was significantly reduced in asthmatics vs. non-asthmatics, and inallergics vs. non-allergics.   Massive infiltration of eosinophils was observed in both epithelium and connectivet issue in all groups. No significant difference inthickness of the basal lamina was found betweenany  of  the  groups.  All  patients  had  dilated capillaries in the connective tissue, which was oedematous.A previous study from our group has demon-strated a correlation between the number of inflammatory cells and epithelial damage in bron-chial biopsies from patients with asthma. Epithelial defects have...

How to Remove Nasal Polyps Naturally ?

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Nasal polyps commonly arise from the paranasal sinuses, and are characterized by infiltration of the mucosa by eosinophils, lymphocytes and mast cells,and  also by a variable degree  of  epithelial damage. The frequency of nasal polyps is 1–4%. and the disease is often coupled to aspirin intolerance, asthma or cystic fibrosis .  Many cases of nasal polyps do not give symptoms but can be detected at autopsy; hence the frequency ofpolyps may be higher than is apparent from clinicalstudies. Nasal polyps have long been associated with rhinitis and asthma. However, the role of allergy inthe aetiology and pathogenesis of nasal polyps is a controversial issue. The prime histological feature of nasal polyps is massive infiltration of eosino-phils.The number of eosinophils, neutrophils,and plasma cells in nasal polyps is significantlyhigher than in the nasal mucosa. Eosinophilic cationprotein cells, which are activated eosinophils, are also seen frequently. Elevation of thenu...

Is it Possibleto Get Rid of Nose Polyps Naturally ?

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In recent study, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee, Adelaide, Australia (reference number HREC/15/TQEH/132) approvedthe collection of nasal mucus. Mucus samples from patients with CRS were collected from patients having endoscopic sinus surgery at the Departmentof Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery of The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide, Australia. Patient consent and mucus samples were obtained before surgery. Mucus samples from healthy patients were collected from patients who were undergoing endoscopic skull base surgery or septoplasty and had no clinical or radiologic evidence of sinus disease. Patient comorbidities and disease severity were documented preoperatively.  Nasal  mucosa  tissue  was  obtained  intraoperatively and reviewed by a pathologist. Patients who were younger than 18 yearsof age, pregnant, and undergoing systemic immu nosuppression were excluded. A total of 33 patients were included in this study....

How to Treat Nose Polyps Without Surgery ???

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Nose Polyps has a complex andmultifactorial pathogenesis with a heterogeneous inflammatoryprofile. Proteomic analysis of nasal mucus may enable furtherunderstanding of protein abundances and biologic processespresent in CRS and its endotypes compared with in healthypatients. Nose Polyps endotypes and pathophysiologyhave evolved over time, with hypotheses suggesting theinvolvement of pathogen dysbiosis, immune dysregulation,and environmental factors.1Dysfunction of the epithelial barrierin patients with CRS has also been suggested as a key event inthe disease process, although the precise mechanism by whichthis occurs remains unknown. Recent work in our departmenthas demonstrated that locally produced mucus may have animportant effect on the nasal epithelial barrier, with mucusfrom healthy patients shown to be associated with improvedbarrier integrity and mucociliary clearance, whereas mucusfrom patients with Nose Polyps was found to be associated withincreased mucosal inflammation. Ele...

Why Nasal Polyps Occur And How to Get Rid of Nasla Polyps Naturally ?

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Although the etiology of nasal polyps remains unclear, they are associated with allergies, asthma, infection, cystic fibrosis, and aspirin sensitivity. Polyps are considered a consequence of conditions that cause chronic inflammation in the nose and nasal sinuses characterized by stromal edema and variable cellular infiltrates . In 1885, Woakes first described a form of "necrosing ethmoiditis and mucosal polyp” that sometimes causes nasal polyps with broadening of the nose . This syndrome was later described as having the following characteristics: (1) bilateral nasal polyps in the middle meatus beginning during childhood,  (2) ethmoiditis, (3) hypertrophic process with nasal pyramid deformation, (4) therapeutic failure followed by repeated and rapid recurrences. The first English literature on the topic was written by Laff. Appaix and Robert termed the condition "maladie de Woakes” or ‘'Woakes’ syndrome.” Woakes’ syndrome was newly redefined as the condition consisting o...

How Serious are Nasal Polyps ? ( Case Study )

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Nasal polyps are inflammatory proliferative tumors arising from the mucosa of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Although many cases concerning nasal polyps have been reported, those involving external nasal deformities are rare. We report a case of nasal polyposis filling the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, leading to external nasal and facial deformities. The condition above is known as Woakes' syndrome, which is characterized by severe recurrent nasal polyps with deformity of the nasal pyramid, leading to broadening of the nose.   We performed nasal osteotomy and facial bone-shaving via the midface degloving approach, which improved the patient's facial appearance symptoms were gradually worsening. She originally presented to her local hospital with nasal obstruction and facial disfigurement secondary to extensive nasal polyps that were projecting from both nostrils. Partial polypectomy and maxillary antrostomy were conducted. On histopathological examination, the ...